
Monday, July 29, 2019

3 in 1 Hexagon

Working on the table runner can be monotonous, so I spent some time putting together a different pattern. It's a hexagon that can be connected together to form a mat, or embellished to make snowflakes:

The pattern is available in my Etsy shop and you can get to the listing by clicking HERE.

The snowflakes have interchangeable centers, pictured below:

I couldn't help but wonder what the mat would look like if it was enlarged, so I used an app on my iPad called Photo Grid to splice together some images. The first is a hexagon shaped mat:

The next is an extended mat, which could be used as a table runner:

The thread is Lizbeth size 20 in White (#601) and Cotton Candy (#111). I think the extended mat would look nice if the motifs around the edge were changed to all white.

Monday, July 22, 2019

400 Trefoils

I'm getting closer to finishing the table runner. It's up to 400 trefoils now (78 more left to finish the runner):

Here is another angle on the table:

And on the ottoman to see the full runner:

Right now, I'm working on another project, but I still plan to finish the runner before the end of the year. The pattern has been written up and I have tested some parts of it already.