
Friday, March 27, 2020

More Minis

I hope everyone is doing okay. I have been staying in and working on my mini flakes. I'm tatting them in light blue, so they can be scanned and put on pattern pages without using too much printer ink (if one decides to print the pattern).

These are done in size 80 DMC Special Dentelles thread, color number 3325. It's surprising just how far one small ball of thread goes. I have tatted 12 mini flakes and might have enough for one more before the ball of thread runs out. I still have plenty of this color left (I bought seven balls from an online retailer called Minerva Crafts in early February), and this project will keep me busy for a while. I ended up designing a total of 40 mini flakes, so I have a lot of diagramming and tatting to do!