
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Little Square: Phase 2

The second phase of this pattern involves connecting four squares together. It's a way to make sure the squares are repeatable, and it also gives me a good base to work with for the next step:

The next step will be more difficult, and involves redesigning part of the pattern.

So far, no one has guessed my exact intentions for this pattern. I have received guesses of a mat, a square doily, a tablecloth, and a box. While it can be made into all of those things, the purpose of this pattern is a little bit different.

All will be revealed in my next post, which should be ready early next week. You are welcome to keep guessing though!


  1. Looks lovely my guess woukd be a waistcoat, but I am sure I am way off.

  2. A box is that it??? 😄❤️😄

  3. A shawl is VERY close. After the redesign this pattern can be made into a triangular shaped shawl, and I would make one if I had the patience for such a large project. It can also be made into various sized square mats. So those two guesses are technically correct.

    I suppose I've been thinking about it more on a design level, and less so as a finished product. It will also be a shareable pattern, so I'm hoping others will enjoy tatting it (even if they don't have an interest in design construction).

  4. Start of a lined purse or bag?

    1. Not a purse or bag, but that sounds like it would be lovely!
