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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Revisiting an old project

This blog post is about the Onion Ring Magic Square. You can get to the free pattern by clicking HERE.

It's been a long time since I've worked on this piece of tatting. The last time I blogged about it was just about two years ago. I had originally planned to make the square bigger, but I changed my mind for two reasons. Firstly, I don't want to get overwhelmed by the amount of tatting and have this piece end up in the drawer again. Secondly, I'd like to try adding the border that I designed earlier this year, and I would not be able to do that with the original plans for the square. Here's my progress so far:

I had to undo a few rings and chains so that I could change direction from my original plan. Luckily, the process went smoothly and I didn't have any thread breakage.

I'm so glad I have information stored on my blog. I had forgotten what thread I was using for this project and had to look at my previous blog posts to find out. It's Lizbeth size 40 in Ocean Teal Medium, and DMC Cordonnet Special size 40 in Blanc (white):

I'm hoping to have the square finished within the next week or two and then I will be able to start on the border.


God's Kid said...

It's gorgeous!!! :)
Funny thing, just a day or two I was just searching for tatting and came across this project. Guess it was meant to be. ;)

Robin Perfetti said...

Thank you Sue! Yes, I’ve seen this one pop up when I do an image search for tatting, it’s about time I finished it! I noticed that we are both tatting magic squares right now (been following along on your blog).

Claire said...

Love how the two colours work together on your magic square.
I did a few small magic squares from that pattern this year and enjoyed the process.
It’s a beautiful design. Thank you for sharing it.
Claire (

Jane McLellan said...

A blog is really handy that way. I just love the colour combination you’re using.

Marta F. Sitarska said...

Thank You for this pattern! I love magic squares :)

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I do like that color combination! I've been finding discarded projects as well... nothing as pretty as your magic square!

Lelia said...

stunning. wow - just beautiful

Robin Perfetti said...

Thanks everyone!